"Keeping up with the Penthesileas"
"Wir sind aneinander geflucht" // "we are cursed upon one another" (Kleist)
A long long time ago there lived Penthesilea, Amazonian Queen and ultimate martriarch. Now since 20 odd years a new form of "feminine power" has been presiding over our feeds and supposed needs... the Kardashians!
In this remythification of events, authors Thomas Köck and Mateja Meded weave together a clever and poignant piece, brought to an Austrian stage for the first time ever under the brilliant direction of Anna Marboe!
From mid-February until early March 2024 this show ran at Kosmos Theater with a brilliant ensemble and sold-out shows almost every night!
A long long time ago there lived Penthesilea, Amazonian Queen and ultimate martriarch. Now since 20 odd years a new form of "feminine power" has been presiding over our feeds and supposed needs... the Kardashians!
In this remythification of events, authors Thomas Köck and Mateja Meded weave together a clever and poignant piece, brought to an Austrian stage for the first time ever under the brilliant direction of Anna Marboe!
From mid-February until early March 2024 this show ran at Kosmos Theater with a brilliant ensemble and sold-out shows almost every night!
Direction: Anna Marboe | Production Design: Mirjam Stängl | Dramaturgy: Anna Laner | Assistant Director: Mana Malena Samadzadeh | Production Assistant: Lauren Müller | Dramaturgical Assistant: Leoni Reilly | Wrestling Training: Selina Nowak aka. Zelina Power | Lighting Design: Dulci Jan | Sound: Karl Börner
Cast: Pilar Borower, Nina Fog, Edwarda Gurrola, Martin Hemmer, Hannah Joe Huberty, Isabella Knöll, Christoph Radakovits
Play Copyright: Suhrkamp Verlag AG Berlin
Photo (c) : Bettina Frenzel